We are passing through a very challenging time due to the consequences of the coronavirus. And we recognize that providing people ...
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Spare Parts
You need spare parts? Or you need a documentation of your WÄCHTER-system? Then contact please our subsidiary Wächter Service with your request.
Email: service@packingsystems.de
Phone: +49 (0) 2957 9812-340

Maintenance & Service
If there is an error on your WÄCHTER-machine or you have technical questions, or you want to perform maintenance on your system? Our qualified and experienced technicians are happy to help you - by phone, by remote maintenance or directly on site. Feel free to contact us.
Email: support@waechter-packautomatik.de
Phone: +49 (0) 2957 9812-360

Do you have new staff, a new WÄCHTER-system or are you insecure in some areas of machine operation? Our customer service team will be pleased to prepare a training tailored to your machine and your questions. Inform yourself without obligation or arrange an appointment right away.
Email: support@waechter-pakautomatik.de
Phone: +49 (0) 2957 9812-369